Linear pRYG DNA Marker


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pRYG is a pUC19 derivative in which the 206 bp SphI-NarI fragment of pUC19 was replaced with a 245 bp SphI-AccI fragment upstream of the human adult beta-globin gene promoter. The 245 bp fragment contains a 54 bp alternating repeat of purine/pyrimidine sequence that constitutes a strong eukaryotic topo II cleavage site.  Cleavages within the repeat are readily detected in the absence of topo II inhibitors such as m-AMSA or VM-26.  The sequence of the plasmid is given in Table 2 of Spitzner et al.Description of Product

The marker is shipped at ambient temperature and should be stored a 4°C.

For detailed description of pRYG, its reactivity with Topo II and the sequence, see Spitzner et al., Nuc. Acid. Res. 18: 1-11 (1990)
